Saturday, March 27, 2010

Taipei In A Day Includes: Taiwan From A To Z Showcased in Leading Asia Trend Magazine

Taipei In A Day: Includes Taiwan From A To Z is available here, and at Barnes Thank you again for making Taipei In A Day the highest-rated Taiwan travel book on!

It has been a pleasure helping countless travelers to Taiwan enjoy their travels with greater ease.  Thank you to everyone who has provided a positive review of my guidebook and custom "Taipei In A Day (台北一日遊)" tour  based on my best-selling Taiwan travel book, Taipei in a Day: Includes Taiwan from A to Z,  I sincerely appreciate it.  

Have fun and enjoy your time on Taiwan, and if you need a personal Taiwan guide, I provide custom "Taipei in a Day (台北一日遊)" tours based on my best-selling Taiwan tour guide!  Feel free to contact me via for details.  --Scott