Saturday, August 22, 2015

Thank You from Taiwan Travel Author

It is truly a pleasure helping countless travelers to Taiwan enjoy their time with greater ease.  Thank you to everyone who has provided a positive review of my best-selling Taiwan travel book, Taipei in a Day: Includes Taiwan from A to Z (台北一日遊),  I sincerely appreciate it.

Have fun and enjoy your time on Taiwan.  --Scott

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Burger King Cologne

What could be better to attract your next flame than smelling like a broiled Whopper?

Although the Burger King cologne is currently being offered in Japan, this seemed way too hot a topic to let sizzle out.  Aren't Japanese people who wear "Flame Grilled" cologne (US $40.00) fearful of being hounded by hungry mutts?  Or what about, "Honey, you really need to spend less time at Burger King!" But it's my new "spicy" cologne!  I just picked it up this evening to get that desired "grilled beef-burger smell." Let's not give the NFL any gift ideas for tailgating parties...